Coyote vs. Fearless Farm Dog

Came home and the chickens were squawking, Beethoven was barking at something in the south pasture.  Parked in the garage and came on in with my knitting and read the mail.  Still noisy outside so checked out the garage door as I started to unload the Tahoe.  Bless Pat, but Beethoven had a coyote down right beside his feed bowl!

Started to phone for help, but ran for the camera first!:)

Called Mr.Britt. No answer. Called our son.  Busy. Took another picture.  Called Mr. Britt. No answer. Called our son. Busy. Took another picture. Called Mr. Britt. No answer. Prayed.  Called our son, “Where are you?” “In the office”.

Knew he wouldn’t believe me, so just told him to bring the gun upstairs quick.  “Why? What for?” I told him Beethoven had a coyote down by the chickens and he came quickly! I called Beethoven to the garage and our son finished off the coyote with one shot.

Beethoven was awarded three hot dogs.

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