A Little “Stew” about Meatless Mondays…

(Picture from Planet Forward blog)

When my friend Bernetta and I were treated to Christmas manicures and pedicures, the conversation with our darling manicurists turned to “Meatless Mondays”, food safety, and dieting (doesn’t it always?)

While going meatless may sound virtuous and righteous, is it really? I fail to see how going without meat every Monday helps me or anyone else.  Instead, in the case of beef, I would be denying my body nutrients that maintain a healthy metabolism, muscle-building, and the prevention of many chronic diseases.  How does that benefit our society? 

Hormones, antibiotics and e-coli in meat were the other fears we discussed.  These young mothers were surprised to learn that growth-promotants (supplemental hormones) and antibiotics pass through the animal’s system prior to harvest.  As for the e-coli–America has the safest food to eat in the world.  Every federally inspected meat processing facility operates under strict oversight by the Food Safety and Inspection Service.  Using an instant-read thermometer to make sure ground beef is cooked to 160F is the best way to ensure burgers are both safe and savory.

About the dieting—There are 29 different beef cuts that meet government guidelines for lean.   Get this…all 29 cuts have LESS total fat than a skinless chicken thigh!

(Truthfully, poultry producers are just better at marketing than beef producers.)

Concern for children? Our concern should be that our children and young women are not receiving enough iron and B vitamins.  Four million US children are iron deficient and childhood iron deficiency anemia is associated with behavioral and cognitive delays.  Also, one out of every five women is iron deficient.  Beef is an excellent source of Vitamin B12, providing 37 percent of the Daily Value and a good source of vitamin B6, providing 15% DV in one three-ounce serving.  A three-ounce serving of lean beef contains the same amount of iron as THREE CUPS of raw spinach.

Sorry, Popeye, I’m eating beef!

I wish I had known these facts to tell those sweet young mothers…

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